Women’s Ministry

Equipping and Empowering the Woman Behind the 'Title'

Lady, Tonya Bailey

Our Purpose:

To provide quarterly opportunities ’

 Our Purpose:

To provide quarterly opportunities for women to come together for worship, instruction, fellowship and expression of God-given gifts, talents and abilities.

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To encourage and affirm our uniqueness as women.

While we recognize that there are many callings in life (i.e; mother, wife, evangelist, missionary, deaconess, career person), our focus is upon the thing we have in common . . . our womanhood and the development thereof.

Our goal is to minister to the woman behind the title, because we are more than the roles which we play.

To encourage every woman’s participation in a weekly small accountability growth group.

Recommended Reading for Marriage

- Forgiveness - John McArthur

- Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman

- Kingdom Marriage - Tony Evans

- A Marriage Without Regrets - Kay Arthur

- After you say I DO - H. Norman Wright

Recommended Reading for Women

- Kingdom Woman - Tony Evans

- Twelve Extraordinary Women - John McArthur

- I want to be a Woman - Elisabeth Elliott

- Ten Women of The Bible - Max Lucado

- Your Legacy - James Dobson

- Gideon - Priscilla Shirer

- Anointed, Transformed & Redeemed - Priscilla Shirer

Recommended Reading for Parenting

- Strong-Willed Child - James Dobson

- Parent's Answer Book - James Dobson

- Parenting isn't for Cowards - James Dobson

- Raising Boys - James Dobson

- So You're About to be a Teenager - Dennis and Barbara Rainey

- Aggressive Girls, Clueless Boys - Dennis and Barbara Rainey

- Kingdom Disciples - Tony Evans

Recommended Reading for Singles

- Kingdom Single - Tony Evans

- Waiting While Dating - Lindsey Holder

- Cast of Characters - Max Lucado

- Follow Me - David Platt

- Radical - David Platt

- Crazy Love - Francis Chan